Wednesday, April 30, 2014
Salam 1 Malaysia,
Berakhir sudah lawatan Obama. Apapun, impaknya ketua yang berpengaruh ke Malaysia, sekaligus melonjakkan nama Malaysia, iaitu negara dunia ketiga dahulunya, kini, sudah menjadi negara membangun.
Ada yang happy, ada yang meroyan tak dapat selfie. Hehehehe....
Ada yang puas hati, ada yang panas hati.
Tidak ketinggalan, Khairy Jamaluddin juga menumpang glemer jadi Best Man mengiringi Mr.President. Feeewwwwiiitttt.
Namun, SAJ tertarik dengan gambar ni. Mesra jer. Di sapa dengan ramah. Pasti ada sesuatu di sebaliknya. Jeng..Jeng..Jeng....
Sudah tentulah, isu MH370 yang menggemparkan dunia menjadi perhatian. Yang bertanggungjawab dalam misi SAR ini, sudah pasti DS Hishammuddin dan teamnya
Ingat, bukan mudah dalam misi ini, menyatukan pelbagai negara untuk membantu mencari. Nampaknya, Obama kenal dengan DS Hisham yerrr.....
Apapun, DS Hisham bukan sahaja di kenali kerana MH370 sahaja. Tugas beliau banyak kerana memegang 2 kementerian. sekalipun dikenali dengan MH370, tetapi beliau sangat bagus kerana memahami selok belok penerbangan, kapal terbang, dan macam-macam yang berkaitan. Beliau bukan dalam bidang penerbangan, tetapi perlu memahami mengenainya.
Tahniah ! Di harapkan, MH370 ditemui, walaupun belum pasti lagi kesahihannya di Teluk Bengal.
Saturday, April 26, 2014
Salam 1 Malaysia....
First and foremost, Welcome to Malaysia, Barack Obama.
Perghhhh.... Obama datang Malaysia, ada yg hangin bila takdapat jumpa obama. Ko sape Obama nak jumpa Nuar Pungkok oiii.
Apapun, SAJ bukan nak ulas royan Anwar tuh.... di hari minggu ni , elok ah kita bersantai-santai sahaja. jom layan .....
Udin yg pertama... itulah AWALudin
Udin yg bijaksana... tentunya ARIFudin
Udin yg tk prnah benar... disitu SALAHudin
Udin yg tk prnah marah... namanya SABARudin
Udin yg brkurung di bilik... itulah KAMARudin..
Udin yg suka menyapa... adalah HAIrudin
Udin yg suka bertekad... namanya AZAMudin
Udin yg slalu naik bulan.. tak lain NASAruddin
Udin yg bijaksana... tentunya ARIFudin
Udin yg tk prnah benar... disitu SALAHudin
Udin yg tk prnah marah... namanya SABARudin
Udin yg brkurung di bilik... itulah KAMARudin..
Udin yg suka menyapa... adalah HAIrudin
Udin yg suka bertekad... namanya AZAMudin
Udin yg slalu naik bulan.. tak lain NASAruddin
Udin yg pki anset samsung... dialah SAMSUdin
Udin yg rajin solat... adalah AMALudin
Udin yg rajin doa... itulah AMINudin
Udin yg satu huruf jawi... dah tentu AINudin
Udin yg rajin doa... itulah AMINudin
Udin yg satu huruf jawi... dah tentu AINudin
Udin yg tk prnah di depan... tentunya AKHIRudin
Udin yang tak suka barang lama...pastinya BAHARUdin
Udin yg paling murah.. mestilah Mydin..
Udin yg mencari MH370... mestilah Hishammuddin..
Ya, dalam lawak, memang benar. Siapa lagi yang cekal dan sentiasa update tentang MH370 kalau tidak DS Hisham. Sehingga kini, sedikit bukti pun, masih tidak ditemui. namun, usaha pencarian, tidak padam dalam diri & jiwa DS Hishammuddin.
Dalam twitter beliau jugak, sentiasa update tentang MH370. Tabah sungguh beliau menghadapi isu yang besar dan lama ini. Bukan calang-calang orang yang sekental ini, jiwa dan mentalnya, demi memikirkan keluarga yang masih menunggu penuh pengharapan.
Mudah orang luar untuk membina pelbagai spekulasi, teori, tetapi mereka yang berdepan dengan tiada clue ini, menggigil rasanya badan. Mudah mereka menjawab soal selidik Merdeka Center, kerana mereka tidak berada dalam pencarian ini. Mereka di asak pelbagai spekulasi. luar yang cuba untuk tidak mempercayai Malaysia dan lebih suka kepada spekulasi.
Itulah rakyat Malaysia, yang benar itu, biasa di dengar, yang spekulasi dan persepsi itu, yang lebih suka dan luar biasa untuk di bicarakan. kerana itu, mudah anasir politik kotor meresap dalam diri mereka. hmmm.....
SAJ lihat, inilah menteri yang di uji Allah untuk mempersiap siagakan beliau menjdi lebih kuat, lebih tahan, lebih tabah dan lebih rasa kemanusiaan demi menjadi pemimpin berjiwa rakyat untuk Malaysia.
Dalam jangkamasa yang lama ini, selalunya, orang sudah berputus asa, tetapi tidak untuk DS Hisham dan team SAR. Beliau bukan sahaja tika ini memikirkan mengenai MH370, tetapi hal-hal lain dalam negara juga beliau tekankan.
Apapun, kepada DS Hisham, keluarga mangsa memerlukan anda, begitu juga rakyat Malaysia. Tinggi harapan agar anda terus berjuang sebagai Menteri yang memegang 2 kementerian. bukan mudah tetapi kami yakin, anda berpotensi untuk lakukannya dengan baik.
Thursday, April 17, 2014
Salam 1 Malaysia,
Takziah kepada Anwar dan PR atas kehilangan King mereka, Karpal Singh dalam kemalangan maut di Perak. Berkabung la anda semua, tapi sorakkan syukur kpada umat Islam kerana tiada lagi ancaman hudud selepas ini.
Tapi, posting SAJ ni, bukanlah untuk meratapi pulak kematian KS. Lantaklah dia. dan lantaklah puak macai pR yang menaruh harapan KS sempat syahadah sebelum mati. Hm....
Apa yang SAJ nak gtau di sini, masih ada puak-puak yg cuba untuk menjatuhkan reputasi yang cukup baik DS Hishammuddin. Puak ini adalah reporter CNN. well,siapa yang rapat ngan CNN ??? tentulah Anwar. Anwar selalu dpat undangan interview oleh CNN kan... siapa kah anwar untuk di interview ??? ohh..tentulah kerana mereka SEPUAK !
Baca ini : KLIK SINI
nak jadikan cerita, reporter ni nak bertanya tentang MH370 pada DS Hisham, yang ketika itu, DS Hisham berada di PWTC untuk Pameran 14th Defence Service Asia (DSA). DS Hisham tidak mahu menjawab, kerana tempat dan masa yang tidak sesuai. Tunggu ketika PC MH370 nanti.
" the CNN report said not all questions on MH370 were off limits. This was evident when Robertson asked the minister at the same press conference whether a decision had been made on who will extract data from MH370's flight recorders.
This time, Hishammuddin answered the CNN correspondent: "The Attorney-General is now in the United Kingdom discussing this issue."
Robertson then asked Hishammuddin whether the crew and passengers of MH370 had been cleared by authorities.
"As I mentioned earlier, it is too early to clear anyone until the flight recorder has been retrieved from the aircraft," Hishammuddin said. "There are questions which can only be answered once the black box has been retrieved," he added."
1. reporter tu tanya pada masa dan tempat yang tidak sesuai pada awalnya.
2. DS Hisham hanya menyatakan apa yang di laporkan kepada beliau, dan beliau perlu menapis info agar info yang betul-betul sahih dan pasti sahaja boleh di khabarkan. Ini supaya tidak menimbulkan pelbagai spekulasi yang lebih teruk jika tidak benar.
3. DS Hisham pun tak boleh nak ulas tentang krew etc kerana ianya adalah andaian awal, sedangkan segala bukti dalam black box.
Seperti yang DS Hisham katakan, kita sudah ke hadapan untuk MH370, tapi masih ramai yang ke belakang bercakap tentang spekulasi dan andaian yang tidak tepat.
Jadi, adalah lebih baik kita fokus kepada msi pencarian black box yang mungkin semakin hampir untuk diketahui.
Reporter CNN ini cuba mencari isu untuk jatuhkan reputasi Malaysia dan DS Hisham yang telah menunjukkan pencapaian yang memberangsangkan dalam ussha mencari MH370/
Anwar mula gerun, kerana teori SESAAT nye telah SESAT KELAUT INDIA ! Dia tidak mendapat perhatian rakyat Malaysia dan kita semua tidak percayakan Anwar yang sengaja merosakkan misi pencarian MH370 ini.
Apapun, teruskan berdoa dengan misi ini, dan utuh d belakang team SAR dan DS Hisham.
Tuesday, April 8, 2014
Hishammuddin tercalon jawatan PM Malaysia. Anwar lancar perang !!!!
#Salam 1 Malaysia, doakan MH370 ...
kita masih tidak,sunyi dengan berita MH370 ini. Mana tidak, ianya isu global yang melibatkan 26 negara dunia.
Dalam kegusaran menanti, kesedihan dirundung, kehilangan MH370 yang masih misteri ini, perlu dipandang dengan hikmah, iaitu, menyatukan hati kita dengan berdoa kepadaNya agar di permudahkan pencarian..
Tapi, biasalah, orang yang busuk hati, manakan mahu tenang jiwanya melihat penyatuan spirits ini. Anwar Ibrahim tonggeng giat mewujudkan persepsi negatif kita terhadap kerajaan. Azizah pula, jadikan MH370 sebagai isu berkempen yang tidak sensitif terhadap keluarga mangsa, Mahfoz dengan tawaran tebusan merapu dia, dan terkini, Nizar dengan otak dangkal yang patut di campak di laut hindi kerana tidak tahu kedalaman laut itu yang kalau dia masuk ke dasar laut confirm mati !
Ni pulak, reporter yang gusar kerana kredibiliti DS Hishammuddin yang di canang sebagai bakal PM Malaysia.
kita masih tidak,sunyi dengan berita MH370 ini. Mana tidak, ianya isu global yang melibatkan 26 negara dunia.
Dalam kegusaran menanti, kesedihan dirundung, kehilangan MH370 yang masih misteri ini, perlu dipandang dengan hikmah, iaitu, menyatukan hati kita dengan berdoa kepadaNya agar di permudahkan pencarian..
Tapi, biasalah, orang yang busuk hati, manakan mahu tenang jiwanya melihat penyatuan spirits ini. Anwar Ibrahim tonggeng giat mewujudkan persepsi negatif kita terhadap kerajaan. Azizah pula, jadikan MH370 sebagai isu berkempen yang tidak sensitif terhadap keluarga mangsa, Mahfoz dengan tawaran tebusan merapu dia, dan terkini, Nizar dengan otak dangkal yang patut di campak di laut hindi kerana tidak tahu kedalaman laut itu yang kalau dia masuk ke dasar laut confirm mati !
Ni pulak, reporter yang gusar kerana kredibiliti DS Hishammuddin yang di canang sebagai bakal PM Malaysia.
" Still think Hishammuddin is PM material?
If some people are impressed by him because of his handling of the MH370 press conferences, it could be because he came on after we had seen how Department of Civil Aviation (DCA) Director-General Azharuddin Abdul Rahman bungled. Compared to the DCA man, Hishammuddin could not but shine.#
Besides that, Azharuddin’s English proficiency was pretty hopeless whereas Hishammuddin, with his privileged education in Britain, is comfortable in the language."
Apa kes persenda English DCA tuh. Danl soal nak jadi PM ke ape ker, bukan terletak kepada English yang dipelajari di Britain, tetapi, lihat dari aspek, bagaimana DS Hishammuddin berjaya memahami situasi, memahami apa yg berlaku, dan mampu untuk menjawab pertanyaan reporters. Itu barumkriteria PM masa depan Malaysia, yang mana peka dan ambil tahu apa yg patut tahu. Bukn di,lihat tentang English nya.
In defending Malaysia’s handling of the crisis, he was not shy to say, “I think history will judge us well” and “we have done quite an admirable job”. Was he not aware that self-praise is no praise?
He also crowed about Malaysia’s ability to get 26 countries to work together to search for MH370. “Not many countries can get all the most sophisticated planes from countries from every corner of the world to come and assist,” he said. He should know that in a crisis like this, any number of countries would have responded – not because the country in charge asked but because of humanitarian concern.
SAJ rasa, tak de masalah untuk nyatakan, dunia kagum dengan keupayaan kita dan tungkus lumus kita umtuk jejak MH370. Takkan nak cakap, kita sedih dan tidak berdaya berbuat apa-apa !? Lain la,dengan pihak pembangkang, mengutuk, menghina usaha yang di jalankan dan memandang rendah kepada team SAR kita.
Negara luar pun simpati dan memuji kita, takkan ada sanggup rakyat Malaysia sendiri nak kutuk. Itu patutnya pancung dan campak je kat laut Hindi!
Lagi satu, tanpa adanya hubungan baik dengan negara luar, ingat mudah ke nak berurusan dengan 26 buah negara dalam mencari satu kapal terbang ??? Sekalipun atas timbangrasa kemanusiaan, tetapi, ianya melibatkan kos berbillion ringgit untuk negara terbabit membekalkan peralatan, alat kententeraan mereka untuk mengesan MH370. Apa, ingat, sehari dua je ke mereka membantu ?? dah berminggu-minggu. tapi, masih ada negara yang bersama-sama membantu tanpa harapkan balasan.
untuk artikel penuh mengenai penulis ini yang takut atas kredibiliti orang UMNO BN MELAYU ISLAM, sila :
Apapun, SAJ simpati dengan reporter cina ini yang hatinya tidak bersatu untuk lebih memikirkan MH70 ini selamat. Dia hanya takut dengan bayang-bayang sendiri yang risau jika YB MELAYU ISLAM ini menjadi PM Malaysia suatu hari nanti.
Dengan semangat cintakan negara, bangsa dan agama yang ada dalam diri DS Hishammuddin, reporter cina ini menulis untuk mempengaruhi orang lain. tapi, dia tidak mampu menunddukkan hati kita untuk terus menyokong DS Hishammuddin.
Thursday, April 3, 2014
Salam 1 Malaysia,
Cer tengok ni jap : klik sini

Barisan Nasional and Pakatan Rakyat supporters outside a polling station in Kajang separated and controlled by the police’s Light Strike Force during polling day on March 23, 2014. The key and dominant Malay vote swung further to Pakatan Rakyat (PR) in the Kajang by-election last month, continuing a trend from the general election in 2008 that could spell doom for Umno and Barisan Nasional (BN) in the next general election, analysts and politicians say. – The Malaysian Insider pic, April 3, 2014.The key and dominant Malay vote swung further to Pakatan Rakyat (PR) in the Kajang by-election last month, continuing a trend from the general election in 2008 that could spell doom for Umno and Barisan Nasional (BN) in the next general election, analysts and politicians say.
They told The Malaysian Insider that the March 23 by-election was held after the latest 1Malaysia People’s Aid (BR1M) initiative, but it did not stop the Malay votes from flowing further to PR, saying the economy had a hand in the swing.
yang bertanding dulu sapa ???? orang melayu islam ker Mei Fun tur ??? UMNO ke dia ????
Bukan ke dia MCA ! Apa masalah nak kaitkan ngan UMNO nih !!!
tu lah aku cakap, dia bukan gila babi, atau gila, tapi B4Bi !!!!
Bila dah letak sorang melayu, sorang cina, of course la Melayu akan pilih Melayu !!! TAPI, tidak bermaksud, akan meranapkan UMNO pada PRU akan datang.
Letak calon dalam kalangan 'rakan selimut sebantal', ada hati nak kata keadilan untuk rakyat ! ceeetttttt !!!!
Cer tengok ni jap : klik sini
Does the Malay swing in the ‘Kajang vote’ spell doom for Umno?
April 03, 2014
April 03, 2014

Barisan Nasional and Pakatan Rakyat supporters outside a polling station in Kajang separated and controlled by the police’s Light Strike Force during polling day on March 23, 2014. The key and dominant Malay vote swung further to Pakatan Rakyat (PR) in the Kajang by-election last month, continuing a trend from the general election in 2008 that could spell doom for Umno and Barisan Nasional (BN) in the next general election, analysts and politicians say. – The Malaysian Insider pic, April 3, 2014.The key and dominant Malay vote swung further to Pakatan Rakyat (PR) in the Kajang by-election last month, continuing a trend from the general election in 2008 that could spell doom for Umno and Barisan Nasional (BN) in the next general election, analysts and politicians say.
They told The Malaysian Insider that the March 23 by-election was held after the latest 1Malaysia People’s Aid (BR1M) initiative, but it did not stop the Malay votes from flowing further to PR, saying the economy had a hand in the swing.
yang bertanding dulu sapa ???? orang melayu islam ker Mei Fun tur ??? UMNO ke dia ????
Bukan ke dia MCA ! Apa masalah nak kaitkan ngan UMNO nih !!!
tu lah aku cakap, dia bukan gila babi, atau gila, tapi B4Bi !!!!
Bila dah letak sorang melayu, sorang cina, of course la Melayu akan pilih Melayu !!! TAPI, tidak bermaksud, akan meranapkan UMNO pada PRU akan datang.
Letak calon dalam kalangan 'rakan selimut sebantal', ada hati nak kata keadilan untuk rakyat ! ceeetttttt !!!!
salam 1 malaysia....
Bahang MH370 masih terasa. Bertambah konspirasi bila, beratus2 'benda' di cerap satelit, namun tiada lagi bukti sahih. Selagi itulah, team SAR tidak keruan memikirkan misteri ini.
Lebih-lebih lagi, DS Hishammuddin yang telah berjanji untuk mencari pesawat MH370 selagi ianya belum di pastikan. Rakyat Malaysia mula mencongak pelbagai andaian dan teori yang mungkin "make sense."
Ini jelas mempamerkan masyarakat Malaysia yg sebenarnya bersatu dan saling membantu.
tidak sepeeri Pakatan Rakyat, sering memperlekehkan usaha team SAR. Pandai komen dan cerca sahaja, sumbangan langsung tak ada.
Ada reporters luar dan lokal nampak usaha yg di lakukan DS Hishammuddin dan SAR. Merela tidak menyalahkan apa yg Malaysia usaha lakukan, tapi mereka cuba membantu dengan penulisan artikel mereka.
Berilah sikit masa untuk anda baca artikel ini. Ianya berkenaan berjuta-juta persoalan yg mengaitkan US dengan MH370 ini. Tidak menyalahkan Malaysia, tapi tertanya mengenai negara US ini.
Apakah yg anda boleh fikirkan setelah memahami artikel ini.... jom kongsikan ....
Let me state from the outset that I totally agree with the press statements by Malaysia’s Defence Minister and Acting Transport Minister, Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein that “we have conducted ourselves fairly, responsibly and history will judge us for that.”
And to a mischievous and presumptuous question from a correspondent of the Financial Times, Datuk Seri with confidence and integrity rightly said without any fear of contradiction that, “I don’t think we could have done anything different from what we have already done.” Well done!
The Financial Times, CNN and other foreign media ought to pose similar questions to the US and its intelligence services and stop insinuating that Malaysia has not been transparent and/or engaged in a cover-up. Foreign media should stop engaging in dirty politics!
It is my hope that following the publication of this article, Malaysian mass media will focus on questioning the integrity of the US’s assistance to Malaysia in the first three weeks of the SAR mission, notwithstanding its recent offer of more assistance.
I take comfort that my reservations about the US and its intelligence services as well as other intelligence services closely linked to the US, especially British secret service, have been more than vindicated by Reuters in its news report on 28th March, 2014 entitled Geopolitical games handicap hunt for flight MH370
Malaysia’s Minister of Transport Datuk Seri Hishammuddin gave hints of Malaysia’s difficulties (as his hands were tied by intelligence protocols and or refusal by the relevant foreign intelligence services and diplomatic reluctance) but our local media failed to appreciate the nuances of his statements by not directing their questions at those parties that have failed Malaysia as their neighbour and in their duties under various defence treaties and arrangements.
Malaysian media, please read at the minimum three times, the sentences in bold AND WAKE UP TO THE REALITY that our country has been badly treated even though our country put all its national security cards on the table so that countries whose nationals are passengers on flight MH 370 could come forward with sincerity to assist in resolving this unfortunate tragedy which is not Malaysia’s making.
Malaysia is but a victim of this tragedy whose plane, MH 370 was used for a hidden agenda for which only time will reveal.
In my previous article posted to the website on the 27th March, 2014, I exposed how Israel is exploiting the tragedy to create public opinion for a war against Iran, a Muslim country that has close ties with Malaysia.
At the outset of the SAR Mission, all concerned stated categorically that every scenario, no matter how unlikely would be examined critically with no stones left unturned – terrorist hijacking, suicide mission, technical failures, inadequate security, criminal actions of the pilot and or co-pilot etc.
Given the above premise, families of the passengers and the crew of MH 370 have every right to ask the following questions of the US and other countries that have sophisticated technologies to track and monitor airplanes and ships in all circumstances.
Such questions should not be shot down by those who have a hidden agenda that such queries amount to “conspiracy theories”. Far from being conspiracy theories, we assert that the questions tabled below and the rationale for asking them are well founded and must be addressed by the relevant parties, failing which an inference ought to be drawn that they are complicit in the disappearance of MH 370.
Lets us begin.
1) Was the plane ordered to turn back, if so who gave the order?
2) Was the plane turned back manually or by remote control?
3) If the latter, which country or countries have the technologies to execute such an operation?
4) Was MH 370 weaponised before its flight to Beijing?
5) If so, what are the likely methods for such a mission – Biological weapons, dirty bombs?
6) Was Beijing / China the target and if so why?
7) Qui Bono?
8) The time sequence of countries identifying the alleged MH 370 debris in the Indian ocean was first made by Australia followed by France, Thailand, Japan, and Britain via Immarsat. Why did US not offer any satellite intelligence till today?
9) Prior to the switch of focus to the Indian ocean, was the SAR mission in the South China seas, used as a cover for the deployment of undersea equipment to track and monitor naval capabilities of all the nations’ navies competing for ownership of disputed territorial waters? Reuters as quoted above seems to have suggested such an outcome.

10) Why was there been no focus, especially by foreign mass media, on the intelligence and surveillance capabilities of Diego Garcia, the strategic naval and air base of the US?
11) Why no questions were asked whether the flight path of MH 370 (if as alleged it crashed in the Indian Ocean), was within the geographical parameters of the Intelligence capabilities of Diego Garcia? Why were no planes deployed from Diego Garcia to intercept the “Unidentified” plane which obviously would pose a threat to the Diego Gracia military base?
12) The outdated capabilities of the Hexagon satellite system deployed by the US in the 1970s has a ground resolution of 0.6 meters; what’s more, the present and latest technologies boast the ability to identify objects much smaller in size. Why have such satellites not provided any images of the alleged debris in the Indian Ocean? Were they deliberately withheld?
13) On April 6th, 2012, the US launched a mission dubbed “NROL-25” (consisting of a spy satellite) from the Vandenberg Air Force Base in California. The NROL-25 satellite was likely rigged with “synthetic aperture radar” a system capable of observing targets around the globe in daylight and darkness, able to penetrate clouds and identify underground structures such as military bunkers. Though the true capabilities of the satellites are not publicly known due to their top-secret classification, some analysts have claimed that the technology allows the authorities to zoom in on items as small as a human fist from hundreds of miles away. How is it that no imagery of MH370 debris was forwarded to Malaysia, as this capability is not classified though other technologies might well remain classified? (Source:
14) Could it be that the above capabilities were not as touted?
15) However, in December, 2013, the USAtlas V rocket was launched carrying the spy satellite NROL-39 for the National Reconnaissance Office, an intelligence agency which is often overshadowed by the notorious National Security Agency (NSA), only it scoops data via spy satellites in outer space. The “NROL-39 emblem” is represented by the Octopus a versatile, adaptive, and highly intelligent creature. Emblematically, enemies of the United States can be reached no matter where they choose to hide. The emblem boldly states “Nothing is beyond our reach”. This virtually means that the tentacles of America’s World Octopus are spreading across the globe to coil around everything within their grasp, which is, well, everything (Source: Voice of Moscow). Yet, the US with such capabilities remained silent. Why?
It cannot be said that it is not within the realm of probabilities that the US may not want the plane MH 370 to be recovered if rogue intelligence operators were responsible for the disappearance of MH 370.
If the above questions have been posed to the US and other intelligence agencies and answers are not forthcoming, I take the view that the Malaysian government ought to declare publicly that our national sovereignty and security have been jeopardized by the disappearance of MH 370 and that the relevant intelligence agencies have been tacitly complicit in the disappearance of MH370.
By coming out openly to explain the predicament faced by our country, Malaysia may prevent a hostile act against a third country.
I therefore call upon Malaysian mass media to be courageous and initiate such queries as only the US and other intelligence agencies can give definitive answers to the above 15 questions.
It is futile to demand answers from Malaysia as we are not in any position to supply the information as we do not have the capabilities of the global and regional military powers.
Malaysians must unite behind the government so that our leaders need not feel that they are alone shouldering this enormous burden.
Matthias Chang
Bahang MH370 masih terasa. Bertambah konspirasi bila, beratus2 'benda' di cerap satelit, namun tiada lagi bukti sahih. Selagi itulah, team SAR tidak keruan memikirkan misteri ini.
Lebih-lebih lagi, DS Hishammuddin yang telah berjanji untuk mencari pesawat MH370 selagi ianya belum di pastikan. Rakyat Malaysia mula mencongak pelbagai andaian dan teori yang mungkin "make sense."
Ini jelas mempamerkan masyarakat Malaysia yg sebenarnya bersatu dan saling membantu.
tidak sepeeri Pakatan Rakyat, sering memperlekehkan usaha team SAR. Pandai komen dan cerca sahaja, sumbangan langsung tak ada.
Ada reporters luar dan lokal nampak usaha yg di lakukan DS Hishammuddin dan SAR. Merela tidak menyalahkan apa yg Malaysia usaha lakukan, tapi mereka cuba membantu dengan penulisan artikel mereka.
Berilah sikit masa untuk anda baca artikel ini. Ianya berkenaan berjuta-juta persoalan yg mengaitkan US dengan MH370 ini. Tidak menyalahkan Malaysia, tapi tertanya mengenai negara US ini.
Apakah yg anda boleh fikirkan setelah memahami artikel ini.... jom kongsikan ....
Let me state from the outset that I totally agree with the press statements by Malaysia’s Defence Minister and Acting Transport Minister, Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein that “we have conducted ourselves fairly, responsibly and history will judge us for that.”
And to a mischievous and presumptuous question from a correspondent of the Financial Times, Datuk Seri with confidence and integrity rightly said without any fear of contradiction that, “I don’t think we could have done anything different from what we have already done.” Well done!
The Financial Times, CNN and other foreign media ought to pose similar questions to the US and its intelligence services and stop insinuating that Malaysia has not been transparent and/or engaged in a cover-up. Foreign media should stop engaging in dirty politics!
It is my hope that following the publication of this article, Malaysian mass media will focus on questioning the integrity of the US’s assistance to Malaysia in the first three weeks of the SAR mission, notwithstanding its recent offer of more assistance.
I take comfort that my reservations about the US and its intelligence services as well as other intelligence services closely linked to the US, especially British secret service, have been more than vindicated by Reuters in its news report on 28th March, 2014 entitled Geopolitical games handicap hunt for flight MH370
The search for flight MH370, the Malaysian Airlines jetliner that vanished over the South China Sea on March 8, has involved more than two dozen countries and 60 aircraft and ships but has been bedevilled by regional rivalries.
… With the United States playing a relatively muted role in the sort of exercise that until recently it would have dominated, experts and officials say there was no real central coordination until the search for the plane was confined to the southern Indian Ocean, when Australia largely took charge.
Part of the problem is that Asia has no NATO-style regional defence structure, though several countries have formal alliances with the United States. Commonwealth members Malaysia, Singapore, New Zealand and Australia also have an arrangement with Britain to discuss defence matters in times of crisis.
As mystery deepened over the fate of the Boeing 777 and its 239 passengers and crew, most of them Chinese, it became clear that highly classified military technology might hold the key.
But the investigation became deadlocked over the reluctance of others to share sensitive data, a reticence that appeared to harden as the search area widened.
“This is turning into a spy novel,” said an envoy from a Southeast Asian country, noting it was turning attention to areas and techniques few countries liked to publicly discuss.
Ultimately, the only country with the technical resources to recover the plane – or at least its black box recorder, which could lie in water several miles deep – may be the United States. Its deep-sea vehicles ultimately hauled up the wreckage of Air France 447 after its 2009 crash into a remote region of the South Atlantic.
While Putrajaya has been forced to reveal some of the limits and ranges of its air defences, the reluctance of Malaysia’s neighbours to release sensitive radar data may have obstructed the investigation for days.
At an ambassadorial meeting in the ad hoc crisis centre at an airport hotel on March 16, Malaysia formally appealed to countries on the jet’s possible path for help, but in part met with polite stonewalling, two people close to the talks said.
Some countries asked Malaysia to put its request in writing, triggering a flurry of diplomatic notes and high-level contacts.
‘It became a game of poker in which Malaysia handed out the cards at the table but couldn’t force others to show their hand,“ a person from another country involved in the talks said.
As in the northern Indian Ocean, where Chinese forces operate alongside other nations to combat Somali piracy, current and former officials say all sides are almost certainly quietly spying on and monitoring each other at the same time. (emphasis added)
WantChinaTimes, Taiwan reported,
The United States has taken advantage of the search for the missing Malaysia Airlines flight to test the capabilities of China’s satellites and judge the threat of Chinese missiles against its aircraft carriers, reports our sister paper Want Daily.
Erich Shih, chief reporter at Chinese-language military news monthly Defense International, said the US has more and better satellites but has not taken part in the search for flight MH370, which disappeared about an hour into its flight from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing in the early hours of March 8 with 239 people on board. Shih claimed that the US held back because it wanted to see what information China’s satellites would provide.
The above is the reality which we have to confront. Therefore, desist any attempt to label the above mainstream media articles as a “conspiracy theory”. Reuters has let the Genie out of the bottle! Malaysia’s Minister of Transport Datuk Seri Hishammuddin gave hints of Malaysia’s difficulties (as his hands were tied by intelligence protocols and or refusal by the relevant foreign intelligence services and diplomatic reluctance) but our local media failed to appreciate the nuances of his statements by not directing their questions at those parties that have failed Malaysia as their neighbour and in their duties under various defence treaties and arrangements.
Malaysian media, please read at the minimum three times, the sentences in bold AND WAKE UP TO THE REALITY that our country has been badly treated even though our country put all its national security cards on the table so that countries whose nationals are passengers on flight MH 370 could come forward with sincerity to assist in resolving this unfortunate tragedy which is not Malaysia’s making.
Malaysia is but a victim of this tragedy whose plane, MH 370 was used for a hidden agenda for which only time will reveal.
In my previous article posted to the website on the 27th March, 2014, I exposed how Israel is exploiting the tragedy to create public opinion for a war against Iran, a Muslim country that has close ties with Malaysia.
At the outset of the SAR Mission, all concerned stated categorically that every scenario, no matter how unlikely would be examined critically with no stones left unturned – terrorist hijacking, suicide mission, technical failures, inadequate security, criminal actions of the pilot and or co-pilot etc.
Given the above premise, families of the passengers and the crew of MH 370 have every right to ask the following questions of the US and other countries that have sophisticated technologies to track and monitor airplanes and ships in all circumstances.
Such questions should not be shot down by those who have a hidden agenda that such queries amount to “conspiracy theories”. Far from being conspiracy theories, we assert that the questions tabled below and the rationale for asking them are well founded and must be addressed by the relevant parties, failing which an inference ought to be drawn that they are complicit in the disappearance of MH 370.
Lets us begin.
1) Was the plane ordered to turn back, if so who gave the order?
2) Was the plane turned back manually or by remote control?
3) If the latter, which country or countries have the technologies to execute such an operation?
4) Was MH 370 weaponised before its flight to Beijing?
5) If so, what are the likely methods for such a mission – Biological weapons, dirty bombs?
6) Was Beijing / China the target and if so why?
7) Qui Bono?
8) The time sequence of countries identifying the alleged MH 370 debris in the Indian ocean was first made by Australia followed by France, Thailand, Japan, and Britain via Immarsat. Why did US not offer any satellite intelligence till today?
9) Prior to the switch of focus to the Indian ocean, was the SAR mission in the South China seas, used as a cover for the deployment of undersea equipment to track and monitor naval capabilities of all the nations’ navies competing for ownership of disputed territorial waters? Reuters as quoted above seems to have suggested such an outcome.

10) Why was there been no focus, especially by foreign mass media, on the intelligence and surveillance capabilities of Diego Garcia, the strategic naval and air base of the US?
11) Why no questions were asked whether the flight path of MH 370 (if as alleged it crashed in the Indian Ocean), was within the geographical parameters of the Intelligence capabilities of Diego Garcia? Why were no planes deployed from Diego Garcia to intercept the “Unidentified” plane which obviously would pose a threat to the Diego Gracia military base?
12) The outdated capabilities of the Hexagon satellite system deployed by the US in the 1970s has a ground resolution of 0.6 meters; what’s more, the present and latest technologies boast the ability to identify objects much smaller in size. Why have such satellites not provided any images of the alleged debris in the Indian Ocean? Were they deliberately withheld?
13) On April 6th, 2012, the US launched a mission dubbed “NROL-25” (consisting of a spy satellite) from the Vandenberg Air Force Base in California. The NROL-25 satellite was likely rigged with “synthetic aperture radar” a system capable of observing targets around the globe in daylight and darkness, able to penetrate clouds and identify underground structures such as military bunkers. Though the true capabilities of the satellites are not publicly known due to their top-secret classification, some analysts have claimed that the technology allows the authorities to zoom in on items as small as a human fist from hundreds of miles away. How is it that no imagery of MH370 debris was forwarded to Malaysia, as this capability is not classified though other technologies might well remain classified? (Source:
14) Could it be that the above capabilities were not as touted?
15) However, in December, 2013, the USAtlas V rocket was launched carrying the spy satellite NROL-39 for the National Reconnaissance Office, an intelligence agency which is often overshadowed by the notorious National Security Agency (NSA), only it scoops data via spy satellites in outer space. The “NROL-39 emblem” is represented by the Octopus a versatile, adaptive, and highly intelligent creature. Emblematically, enemies of the United States can be reached no matter where they choose to hide. The emblem boldly states “Nothing is beyond our reach”. This virtually means that the tentacles of America’s World Octopus are spreading across the globe to coil around everything within their grasp, which is, well, everything (Source: Voice of Moscow). Yet, the US with such capabilities remained silent. Why?
It cannot be said that it is not within the realm of probabilities that the US may not want the plane MH 370 to be recovered if rogue intelligence operators were responsible for the disappearance of MH 370.
If the above questions have been posed to the US and other intelligence agencies and answers are not forthcoming, I take the view that the Malaysian government ought to declare publicly that our national sovereignty and security have been jeopardized by the disappearance of MH 370 and that the relevant intelligence agencies have been tacitly complicit in the disappearance of MH370.
By coming out openly to explain the predicament faced by our country, Malaysia may prevent a hostile act against a third country.
I therefore call upon Malaysian mass media to be courageous and initiate such queries as only the US and other intelligence agencies can give definitive answers to the above 15 questions.
It is futile to demand answers from Malaysia as we are not in any position to supply the information as we do not have the capabilities of the global and regional military powers.
Malaysians must unite behind the government so that our leaders need not feel that they are alone shouldering this enormous burden.
Matthias Chang
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